July 30, 2008

DTGD08Carole & DTGD08Natasha Look Out World!!

Hi everyone!!
Here is my card for two of the Dare to Get Dirty Challenges on SCS, DTGD08Carole & DTGD08Natasha.
I have no idea why I didn't post these on Sunday! LOL!
Please see my SCS gallery for the deets!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  1. So super cute!!! I love it Jodi...except for the hideous colors..but that is totally not your fault!!LOL

  2. Haha! Jessie is so funny! I happen to like these colors together, although I never use them! This is super cute!!

  3. Too cute!! I love him in brights! :)


Thanks SO much for stopping by and leaving me some ♥!